
One earthling looking into the horizon…

The invvision, with two letters v to stand for a stereoscopic, binocular, view, is at the same time a photography portfolio and an image bank.

No AI here, just real people and real landscapes.

All the photos, videos or 3Ds were captured by Miguel Silveira. Sometimes using the alias Art_r. He has special interest in landscape, conceptual and minimalistic themes.

For credits please write: by Miguel Silveira for invvision.com

Hi there! I hope you enjoy this site! It all begins with my travelings. My highlights so far are in some North Atlantic Islands, in Portugal and in Brazil; but I also enjoy architectural places, with sampled photos mostly from Europe. Hence, my photographs span in different topics from several countries and biomes. Always having preference for landscape and minimalism, sometimes the subjects of the photos are only lines and shapes. Sometimes there is nudity and concept experimentation. Mostly I hope there is simplicity! With or without people, in a natural or in a built environment, it is all about capturing the beauty I see. Attempting in the process to convey ideas about value worth preserving. Endeavouring to translate those into art and hopping for a chance to see them found by you!

I wish I could go everywhere!

2021 07 26 Miguel’s First Solo Flight. Edition by Paulo Marques. Music by David Bowie – Space Oddity

For any inquiries regarding stock photography and customer support please reach us through the email: invvision.photography@gmail.com

For photoshoot sessions you may contact directly: msilveira.studio@gmail.com